JOINN Laboratories Official Website Service capability


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SSE: 603127
HKEX: 06127
Safety Pharmacology

JOINN Laboratories has been engaged in safety pharmacology evaluations for almost 20 years. All study designs are based on the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Tripartite Guidelines (S7A, S7B) and NMPA regulations. With years of experience, our safety pharmacology team provides “full-scope evaluation services” to sponsors.


 Cardiovascular System
- Conscious animal telemetry : ECG, blood pressure, body temperature, activity 
- Anesthetized animals: ECG, blood pressure
- Langendorff heart: ECG and LVP
- Myocardial cell contractions and calcium transients
- Action potential duration: Purkinje fiber, Papillary muscle, Isolated cardiac myocyte 
- Patch Clamp: hERG currents, sodium currents Nav1.5 and Cav1.2 currents recording
 Respiratory System
- Conscious Animal: respiratory rate, tidal volume, ventilatory volume per minute
- Rodent (WBP model): respiratory rate, tidal volume, ventilatory volume per minute
 Central Nervous System
- Functional observation battery (FOB) 
- Locomotor activities of mice and rats (video monitoring and analysis)
- Rota Rod test
- Grip strength test
- Body temperature
 Gastrointestinal System
- Gastric acid secretion and pH value in rats
- Evaluation of gastrointestinal motor function in mice
 Renal/Urinary System
- Evaluation of kidney function in rats
